Rita Matulionyte – Artificial intelligence and Copyright Law: Challenges and Opportunities
Macquarie University (Austrália)
AI technologies cause a number of challenges in copyright law. One of the legal issues is whether feeding copyrighted content in machine learning program is a copyright infringement and, if so, how this affects innovation in AI sector and whether copyright reform is needed. While this question has been to a large extent addressed in the US (via fair use) and in the EU (via a recently introduced Text and Data Mining exception), it remains to be answered in other jurisdictions. This presentation will focus on Australia, as a case study, and present an on-going policy debate on this topic as well as discuss which copyright reform option would be most suitable and feasible for Australia.
Rita is an international expert in intellectual property and information technology law. She acquired her PhD degree from Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg/Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property and Competition Law (Germany) in 2010. Since then she researched and lectured in universities in Japan, Germany, Lithuania, and in the University of Newcastle (Australia). To date, she published almost 40 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters, as well as a monograph on Applicable Law to Copyright Infringement: A Comparison of ALI and CLIP Principles. She had internships in the European Commission and the World Intellectual Property Organization. Rita was invited to present in conferences in Europe, Asia and the United States, and prepared reports for the European Commission, European Patent Office, and governments of South Korea and Lithuania.
Língua: Inglês
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